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What exactly is Study From Home?

Posted on 10/11/2022 by

Not too sure what Study From Home is? Here’s how it all works!

You might know that Study From Home offers online learning options, where you can earn a valuable travel and tourism qualification from the comfort of your own home.

However, there can be big differences in extramural (non-classroom) learning, depending on the structure. Generally speaking, there are three main categories of extramural learning.

Here are the three types, and the one that Study From Home offers!

Synchronous online learning

Synchronous online learning simply refers to live classes that are offered via video, such as Zoom.

This kind of learning requires you to log on and watch the video at specific times every week. Plus, you will usually be given resources to support those video classes.

This is essentially the format that many students took for school during covid, so many young leaners already have experience with it. They will also know how difficult it can be to follow the videos and log in at the right time every day.

Study From Home does not offer synchronous online learning.

Self-directed unsupported learning

Self-directed unsupported learning programmes are where you sign up, then the education provider sends you a pile of resources. These are usually PDF textbooks that you’ll need to read for your studies.

With this kind of study, you won’t usually talk to other students or have much interaction or support from your tutors. You will simply read through the resources then do your assessments.

Study From Home does not offer unsupported learning.

Self-directed supported learning

Self-directed supported learning is where you sign up for the course, then get given a variety of resources. This includes written content to read, but also interactive videos to watch, visual content to look at, and audio content to listen to.

There are activities to help you learn that will get you to engage with the course tutors regularly. For full-time students, this usually means being in touch with tutors several times per week.

If you get stuck or have any questions, the tutors will always be on hand to offer assistance and tutorials.

You will complete all of your activities and go through the resources at a pace that suits you.

This is exactly what Study From Home is. We have worked hard to create a range of learning resources that will teach you the course material in a fun and engaging way in your own time, with a huge amount of support on hand from our tutors.

For a taster to see what it is really like, you can sign up for a free trial to try out our resources and get a feel for what your study time will include.

If you have any questions at all about how Study From Home works, get in touch with our friendly team today.

Study From Home – 0800 TOURISM (0800 868747) or

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