Posts Tagged ‘Student Stories’
How to juggle work and study (and not go crazy!)
Study From Home student Rebekah Linton is quite the superstar. She is currently studying, working and preparing for her wedding next year. Her grades are outstanding and she is even ahead on some of her courses! We asked her to share some of her study secrets.
How do I do it?
This is quite often the question I get asked when people hear that I am studying long distance while still working full time. And the answer to this question comes in two easy parts – 1. Plan and 2. Get ahead!
How to plan for success
Planning is the key to being successful in studying while working. And it doesn’t take much, just sitting down for a few minutes and writing down a study calendar is a great place to start.
You have to be realistic though! Yes you work many hours a week, and plan to study 15 hours, but don’t forget about meal times, socializing, personal errands and of course SLEEP! Just dot down all of your fixed hours each week, and slot in some hours for study.
Posted in Study From Home Tips | Tagged How To, Student Stories, study tips, Work-Life Balanced |