How to motivate yourself to study when you feel like giving up
“I’m so tired.”
“I don’t understand.”
“It’s too hard.”
Do you ever feel this way about studying? Like it’s all too hard, and it might be easier to give up on your qualifications completely?
We’ve all been there. We’ve all had days when we’d rather not write assignments, or read study notes. When we’d prefer to blob out on the couch in front of the television instead.
But although giving up might seem like the easy option, it’s actually the hardest. It might provide you with some short-term relief, but in the long run, you’ll always be wondering: “what if I kept going? What if I didn’t give up my studies?”
Don’t spend your life wondering. We’re here to remind you that you can achieve your qualification. When there’s a will, there’s a way, and we’ll do our best to help you on your journey to success.
If you’re in need of some extra motivation this week, here are three tips to help you stay focused and get back on track.
1. Talk to your Study From Home tutor
When you’re unmotivated and overwhelmed, the first step is to talk to your Study From Home tutor. Let us know how you’re feeling and we’ll happily give you some advice. We’ve helped many students throughout the years and we understand that sometimes motivation can be a struggle – but we’ve got plenty of tips to help you on your way.
2. Look after your health
Do your best to look after your health by getting plenty of sleep and eating a healthy diet. Have you ever noticed how things feel worse when you’re tired or hungry? Don’t let a lack of sleep or too many takeaways make you feel like giving up on your studies. Get a good night’s rest and see how much better you feel in the morning.
3. Write it out
Feel like you have so much to do but don’t know where to start? Write a list? This will help to get your anxieties out of your head and onto paper. Once you’ve written everything down, see if there’s anything you can cross off the list, or put off to a later date. For example, if you allocate two hours for cooking dinner every night, maybe you can stock up on frozen veggies and frozen meals so that you have more time in the evenings? Sometimes what we think we ‘need’ to do is more flexible than we realise.
Remember: you won’t feel this way forever
It’s totally normal for you to feel fed up with your studies every once and awhile, but try to remember that this feeling won’t last forever. It will pass. But do you know what will last forever? Your qualification. Once you graduate, a world of new opportunities will open, and any tough times will fade away. You’ve got this!
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