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How to manage distractions when studying from home

Posted on 02/10/2019 by

Keep getting distracted by social media? Try these tips to stay on track.

From social media notifications to text messages to the lure of a new Netflix series, distractions abound when you’re studying from home.

“Just one more episode.”

“Just one more scroll of Instagram.”

“Maybe I’ll sleep in today.”

These are just some of the distractions that might tempt you – and that’s without even mentioning the pantry and fridge!

The good news is, there are plenty of ways to avoid distractions and concentrate on your studies.

Here are our best tips for staying focused.

1. Use the Pomodoro method

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’re probably sick of hearing us mention the Pomodoro method! But we keep talking about it because it really is that good.

The Pomodoro method is when you use a timer to study in 25-minute bursts. After each 25-minute burst, you can take a five-minute break to check your phone, emails, social media, or stare at the fridge. Once you’ve completed four Pomodoros, you can take a longer break – like eat your lunch or watch some YouTube. You do you!

The most important thing is to close down all distractions during each 25-minute study session. You can catch up on everything once the timer goes off. 

2. Put your phone on flight mode

If you don’t need to be contacted, put your phone on flight mode to remove all distractions. This is a great way of achieving peace and quiet from social media, phone calls, and text messages.

3. Block social media

If you need your phone to receive phone calls and text messages, but you keep getting distracted by social media, then consider removing all social apps from your smartphone during busy study times. You can always re-install them later!

Another tip is to block social media on your computer browser. There are several good apps out there – just Google ‘social media blocker’ to find one that suits you.

4. Create a study schedule

Another one of our favourite tips is to create a study schedule. When you sign up with ITC Study From Home, your tutor will explain the importance of a schedule and help you set one up that suits your lifestyle.

The beauty of a schedule is that it doesn’t leave much up to chance. You book in times for work, study, leisure, and – providing you follow it – you can fit in everything you need each week.

5. Bounce back from hard days

Even if you’re the most disciplined, organised person in the world, you will still have slow study days every now and then.

Be gentle on yourself and remind yourself that studying from home is challenging, and that you’re doing a great job! It’s OK to struggle once in a while – just make sure you communicate with your tutors and try to bounce back the next day. Try not to let bad days turn into bad weeks or months. Your tutors can offer you advice and tips around how to stay on-track.

6. Learn what works for you

Everyone is different. Experiment with different study schedules and methods to find an approach that works for you. If you’re passing your assignments and feeling positive about your studies, then you’re doing all the right things!

Want more Study From Home tips? Check back here every Wednesday for a new blog post. In the meantime, get in touch if you’d like to learn more about studying airline, travel and tourism. 

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